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About the founder


Joshua Proby


   Joshua Proby is the founder of Peace4Poverty. Joshua Proby is a minister, author and speaker. His life is not one that is full of glitz and glamour, but one full of truth. At the tender ages of ten and eleven he was molested. It was at this point that his life, as he once knew it, changed. He became very closed off, the environment that he was in was not healthy. He was mentally, emotionally, as well as physically abused. Joshua never knew his father and my mother, for many years, struggled with addiction. He sheltered the pain for so long that it became toxic, feeling like he had no voice.


   At the age of 22, he was charged with 1st-degree burglary and sentenced to 12 yrs. in prison. At this point, his family and loved ones did not know how he took such a turn. It was not until he was 31 yrs — Old that he opened up about being molested. During his incarceration, he was placed in solitary confinement for two years, a room that is no bigger than a bathroom, where he was allowed to come out only one hour a day. It was in this cold and dark place that he found his life. His story is not about being special, but about changing people’s lives. He can stand today in his truth and help those who feel like giving up hope.


   Joshua Proby created Peace 4 poverty so that many who have come from painful past can see that despite the poverty, one may be able to find Peace. Despite the hardships that Joshua has faced in his life, Mr. Proby has established a trucking business, a clothing business, and is also a motivational speaker. Joshua is a great example of how you can go from poverty to peace.

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